No Paper Process

According to the Workplace Productivity Report employees typically spend 9.3 hours weekly seeking and collecting information stored in paper formats. Streamlining data management by digitizing and centralizing resources could significantly improve productivity.

Businesses can reduce their manual tasks by storing and managing documents in a paperless format. We, at Akkomplish, can help companies adopt a no paper process, thus improving their productivity, bringing down their operational costs and increasing accuracy. Going paperless will help your organization with better collaboration, improved efficiency and reduced cost of transaction.

With the adoption of digitization, we make it simpler for companies to store, search and organize documents and make them available to required stakeholders in a secure and efficient way. Using the right digital transformation techniques, we help businesses go paperless thus simplifying their daily processes, improving their productivity and collaboration as well as fulfilling their responsibility towards the environment.

With our process audit we identify opportunities where we can introduce paperless processes and digital record keeping.

Here is how our No Paper Process works:

Identify Possible Digitization Solutions

Once we have identified process which can go paper less, we come up with a digitalization plan that involves collecting and scanning the physical documents, moving towards digital delivery of documents, digital signature solutions and document management solution along with content indexing and searching solution for better access and control over digital documents.

Implement a Paperless Transition

We make a well-defined timeline for the paperless transition for your business that includes outlining the transition plan and resource allocation required for this transition. We also anticipate any potential challenges that may arise during the transition. We also offer the necessary training and support to your employees to help them adapt to new digital workflows.

Measure and Monitor Progress

Recognize that the new processes and tools are not static entities. As business requirements evolve, so must the system. Our team continuously monitors key performance indicators and, if performance diminishes, reassess the process and recalibrate essential needs for the sustained viability of the system.

Why Choose Akkomplish

With our expertise in delivering document management solution on top of leading technologies like Microsoft SharePoint and custom solution with digital signature integration, we enabled businesses across the globe to store, retrieve and deliver document digitally in secured and scalable manner. Research suggests that going paperless can help companies save approximately USD 120 a year per employee. We also strengthen the security of data management systems thus helping businesses manage the access of their confidential data over the web. We stay agile and adapt to the latest digital technologies that help us review and refine our digital transformation strategies.

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