Custom Application Development

We understand that the unique needs of your business require a unique solution. A Grand View Research report indicated that in 2019, the market for custom software development services globally was over $100 billion in value and it is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 13.5% from 2020 to 2027. This data tells us about the significant advantages and adoption of custom application by businesses across the globe.

Unlike off-the-shelf software, we design custom applications for businesses from scratch and customize them to align with a business’s unique processes, workflows and objectives. Our custom applications offer businesses the much-needed flexibility, scalability and functionality that can help them automate their internal processes. Whether you are looking to streamline your customer interactions or launch innovative products, our custom applications can offer unparallel advantage.

Here are some benefits offered by custom applications:

Tailor made to your needs

Unlike off-the-shelf applications these applications are personalized to your business’s unique needs. They improve and streamline your day-to-day operations for improved efficiency.


Custom apps can be updated and improved to add new functionalities as your business grows. They not just meet the present needs of your business but also adapt to your future needs.


Custom application development bypasses all compatibility issues and works seamlessly with all other applications that your business uses. This not only leads to improved efficiency but also reduces the chances of errors.

They’re secure

It’s difficult for hackers to infiltrate custom applications as they are specifically used within one organization. This provides custom applications with an increased level of protection compared to off-the-shelf software with known vulnerability and zero-day defects.

Easy to use

Custom applications are built using terminology used by your business and language which is followed in your organization. This makes it easy for the users to understand and use such applications.

We deliver solutions using robust application delivery life cycle process:

Define Requirements

We start by understanding your detailed requirements, such as your business objectives, functionalities and outcomes. We document all these requirements in a clear and concise manner and refer to them for the development process.

Architectural Planning

We then plan the architecture and technical components of the application. We also determine the technologies and frameworks that will be used and accordingly plan the system’s structure, data flow, and integration with other systems. This is a crucial step that lays the foundation for the development phase. At this stage we ensure that system is secure, scalable and can adapt to the ever-changing business requirements with minimum impact on the ongoing processes.

Design the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

We create wireframes or prototypes that outline the layout of the app. This also helps us determine an app’s navigation flow, visual design, the intuitiveness of its interface and its user-friendliness. We then seek feedback from the stakeholders and make rectifications as required.


Our developers then write the code based on the specifications of the design and its technical architecture. This stage generally includes the front-end and the back-end development of the application. We use the best coding practices and appropriate programming languages to ensure the quality and functionality of the app.

Testing and Optimization

Once the application is developed, it undergoes formal testing to identify and resolve any errors, bugs or issues. We conduct unit testing to ensure proper functionality of individual components and integration testing to ensure a seamless interaction between different modules. Lastly, we conduct system testing to evaluate the app's performance. This also helps us in identifying any issues with the usability and performance of the app. We also deliver test automation as part of our deliverables for critical aspects of the system to ensure continuous testing.


Once the final testing is done, we configure the servers, databases, and other infrastructure to deploy the app to the target environment. After the deployment our team identifies the application’s performance and user feedback. We closely monitor the deployment process to ensure the smooth transition of the app.

Why Choose Akkomplish

At Akkomplish, with our wide range of technical capabilities and our digital transformation processes, we offer great value to our clients when it comes to custom software development.

Akkomplish is a software solutions company that offers solutions for all your business transformation needs, thus facilitating a holistic growth for your business. Since 2020 we have provided 100,000+ hours of custom development services to our clients based across the globe. If you’re a business looking to build bespoke applications, our expertise in mobile and web application development can help turn your unique ideas into reality.

Experience the transformative capabilities of Akkomplish in custom application development, where your distinct vision seamlessly meets your business requirements. We help businesses confidently navigate every step of the process, right from defining project scope to deployment and ongoing maintenance.

Choosing Akkomplish as your development partner ensures streamlined operations, heightened efficiency, and a competitive advantage in today’s digital arena.

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