DevOps Automation

DevOps automation may be complicated but it has become inescapable for most businesses today. While there are many benefits offered by DevOps automation, some noteworthy benefits include greater speed, scalability and consistency in operations. It not only streamlines and accelerates the software development lifecycle (SDLC), but also reduces the time taken to deliver new features, fixes, and updates to customers.

So, if you are a business looking to automate your routine tasks, then Akkomplish can help you automate tasks such as testing, deployment, and monitoring, to free up your human resources. Our team possesses specialized skills in areas such as automation, CI/CD pipelines, cloud infrastructure management, and containerization. Our DevOps experts use the best industry practices to expedite the development, testing, and deployment of your software applications.

Here are the benefits that businesses can expect from DevOps Automation:


Automated processes ensure consistency and predictability. A software automation tool consistently performs the same actions unless reconfigured, unlike manual processes which are prone to human error.

Collaboration and Communication

Automation fosters collaboration between development and operations teams by breaking down silos and encouraging shared responsibility. This alignment enhances communication and promotes a culture of teamwork.


Automation accelerates processes such as code integration and application deployment for two primary reasons. Firstly, there's no dependency on human availability and processes can initiate immediately, even at unconventional times. Secondly, automated tasks are generally executed faster. Manual deployment involves tasks like environment assessment, configuration input, manual verification of updates, etc. Automation tools perform these tasks almost instantly.


Automation facilitates scalability. While manual processes can manage operations for a single application and environment, scaling becomes impractical when dealing with multiple applications across diverse environments (e.g., different clouds or operating systems). Automated solutions enable swift and consistent code deployment across various scenarios.

Quality and Reliability

DevOps automation enables automated testing and continuous monitoring, allowing teams to detect and address any issues that may arise in the development cycle. This proactive approach improves software quality, reliability, and the satisfaction of the customer.

Here is the process that we follow for DevOps automation:

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

It lies at the heart of DevOps automation. Without CI/CD automation, achieving rapid application development and delivery becomes a significant challenge. CI ensures that each code change undergoes testing to identify any potential issues it may introduce into the environment. On the other hand, CD empowers teams to seamlessly promote any release candidate to production whenever needed. Furthermore, integrating continuous deployment automation ensures that every successful change automatically moves into production.


Automating infrastructure management marks another crucial step. Traditionally, tasks like maintaining, setting up, or modifying networks and servers consume considerable time and effort. By transitioning to a software-defined infrastructure, these processes become manageable without constant human intervention.

Software Testing

Testing remains an indispensable process despite its time and resource demands, with organizations historically allocating 23% of their budgets to software testing. Leveraging dedicated test automation tools enhances testing efficiency and reduces errors. This includes automating simple unit tests, UI tests, and smoke tests.


Continuous monitoring plays a pivotal role in understanding software behavior and performance. It ensures ongoing stability and provides valuable insights into system productivity. Effective DevOps operations depend on obtaining precise, actionable data through automated monitoring tools, which must prioritize security alerts for immediate response to emergencies.

Log Management

Handling log data within a DevOps environment can be overwhelming without automation. Implementing automated solutions streamlines log collection, analysis, and issue detection, thereby facilitating effective management. Additionally, addressing change management concerns involves automating processes like version control, change control, and configuration management to uphold operational efficiency and consistency.

Why Choose Akkomplish

We, at Akkomplish, are business solution providers for all the transformation needs of your business. Our DevOps experts can make a roadmap for successful DevOps implementation and transformation. We also guide you through the entire DevOps process in a phased manner using the best industry practices and state-of-the-art tools to help you attain measurable results. So, whether you are a new organization just considering DevOps or an organization looking to transform its DevOps services, we can lay out a perfect roadmap that will work for you.

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