DevOps Process Implementation

Patrick Debois coined the word DevOps in 2009 and today it is widely being adopted by organizations across the globe to enhance the speed and agility of their IT solutions. But DevOps solutions largely rely on technology, especially automation tools, to leverage a flexible infrastructure that can be programmed throughout its life cycle.

Our team at Akkomplish has specialized expertise in areas such as automation tools, CI/CD pipelines, cloud infrastructure management, and security practices. We can accelerate the process of DevOps implementation for your business using established frameworks, best practices, and ready-to-deploy solutions. Akkomplish has helped multiple businesses with the successful implementation of DevOps thus enhancing the quality and reliability of their software solutions.

Here are the benefits that businesses can expect from DevOps implementation:

Improved collaboration

DevOps fosters closer collaboration between development and operations. It also facilitates collaboration among different stakeholders, thus breaking down silos and building collaborative departments. This alignment enhances communication, efficiency, and innovation across teams.

Faster time-to-market

By automating processes and adopting continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, DevOps accelerates the release cycle of a software. This speed enables organizations to respond swiftly to business demands and gain a competitive edge.

Higher-quality software delivery

DevOps practices emphasize automated testing, early bug detection, and continuous feedback loops. This results in better deployment of software that are reliable and have fewer defects. This in turn enhances the overall product quality.

Reduced manual errors

Automation in deployment processes, configuration management, and testing reduces the risk of human error. This leads to more consistent and predictable outcomes in software development and operations. 

Enhanced reliability of software deployments

Continuous communication, collaboration, monitoring and automated rollback capabilities ensure that issues are identified and resolved quickly, thus minimizing downtime and disruption to users.

More stable and resilient applications

DevOps encourages practices like infrastructure as code (IaC) and automated scaling, making applications more robust and capable of handling varying workloads and conditions.

Better customer or user experience

With faster updates, higher quality releases, and improved stability, DevOps ultimately results in a smoother experience for customers or end-users, thus enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Here is the process that we follow for DevOps Process implementation:

Start the DevOps Initiative

We start by discussing the DevOps implementation with the top management, like the CIO or IT director. This helps us align the DevOps implementation process with the company’s broader IT goals and oversee how the strategy will be carried out.

Set DevOps Objectives and Goals

We define clear objectives and goals to successfully implement DevOps in the organization. By setting specific targets related to the delivery, quality and efficiency of the software, teams can focus their efforts on achieving desired results.

Establishing measurable KPIs

This helps track progress, identify where things might be slowing down, and continuously improve DevOps practices. Clear goals ensure that DevOps efforts stay effective and aligned with what the business wants to achieve.

Create a Comprehensive DevOps Strategy

A strong strategy is key to making DevOps work. This involves creating a shared vision that encourages collaboration among different departments like development, operations, testing, and others.

Organize the DevOps Team

DevOps teams comprise of people with different skills, like developers, operations engineers, DevOps engineers and quality assurance specialists, who collectively work towards a common goal. We make sure that everyone knows what their role is and what they're responsible for.

Implement Containerization

Containerization of your apps using tools like Docker makes them more reliable and less tied to the equipment they run on. This makes it easier to put them onto different systems. It also simplifies the process of operation management as changes could be made to specific microservices within these containers.

Use CI/CD Tools to Integrate Infrastructure

To manage containerized applications the infrastructure automation tools (like Azure resource manager, Kubernetes, Ansible, or Chef) are integrated with the CI/CD tools (like Azure Pipelines Bamboo, Jenkins, or GoCD). Doing this ensures efficient configuration management, continuous monitoring, fault tolerance, streamlined updates and proper deployment of software.

Automate Testing

While not all tests should be automated, identifying the right balance is important. Automated testing is used to improve the test coverage or to expediate the tasks that require speedier delivery. We also ensure close alignment between QA and development teams for early detection and resolution of issues that will enhance the software's quality and stability.

Monitor Performance

Monitoring the performance of the app is essential to fix any bugs or defects that may arise. Implementing the application performance monitoring tools enables us to gain insights into the user experience, software behavior and identify any bottlenecks for timely troubleshooting.

Why Choose Akkomplish

We, at Akkomplish, are business solution providers for all the transformation needs of your business. Our DevOps experts can make a roadmap for successful DevOps implementation and transformation. We also guide you through the entire DevOps process in a phased manner using the best industry practices and state-of-the-art tools to help you attain measurable results. So, whether you are a new organization just considering DevOps, an organization looking to transform its DevOps services, we can lay out a perfect roadmap that will work for you.

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