Story by: Junior Business Central Technical  

Social anxiety, the fear of being judged, used to be a constant stress in my life. I never imagined that this was going to change when I would work with Akkomplish. This job was not just about technical skills; it was a journey that gradually changed my outlook on life.   

You may want to know how this happened. Well, it was a gradual process that started as soon as I stepped foot in this welcoming place. Keeping the feeling of fear, I came to Akkomplish for my first HR Round, and I was surprised because from the starting of the interaction, till it ended, I didn’t feel low for once. On the very next day after giving a written test, I received a call from the HR team saying I could join. I was exuberant at this news. Excitement mixed with anxiety—what if I would face judgment because of my appearance? But the warmth and kindness of people here quickly dispelled my fears. The whole team made me feel welcome, accepted, and valued from day one.    

This being my first job as an intern, I was fully focused on making a good impression. And I was pleasantly surprised to receive full support wherever I needed it. This is an environment where employees are genuinely cared for. Our director even takes the time to guide me towards a healthier lifestyle, an aspect of work I never anticipated. This was nothing like the work experiences my father and uncle had described. Akkomplish is different; they genuinely care about their employees' well-being.    

In the following months, I not only received technical training but also had access to personality development sessions. These helped me improve not just my communication skills but my overall personal growth. There were moments when I felt stuck, but our empathetic HR always handled things tactfully. This is a safe space where I knew I wouldn't be judged or put down, thanks to the unwavering support of the management.    

I learned the importance of consistency in my tasks and discovered that having fun after work hours was just as crucial. The spirit of knowledge sharing among my teammates was enlightening. But the true gem of Akkomplish was the sense of teamwork. Once, when I was struggling with a college presentation, one of the .Net team members suggested a solution that helped me get started with my project immediately. When I needed further assistance, my reporting manager and our HR spent more than an hour helping me out and making sure I was able to finish that presentation.      

I will confess that I was nervous and insecure in the initial days of training because of my previous experiences with people. I was lacking nothing but trust in myself. However, the positive interactions with my seniors and managers transformed me into a confident professional. I learned that it is very important to trust ourselves to flourish in life. Today, after receiving my confirmation, I am financially more confident and have overcome many insecurities that I was facing earlier, because I was not in the right environment that supported my overall growth and well-being.   

Today I am proud of myself that I have that much courage as I’m sharing my emotions openly here, on this platform, because somewhere down the line I have gained that faith within, while working at Akkomplish.     

Now, I see a bright future not just for myself but for my family too. Akkomplish has created an environment that nurtures dreams, and I am confident that I can achieve every aspiration I've ever had. It's clear to me now that the right work environment can build self-confidence and pave the way for countless dreams to flourish.    

Moral: The right environment at work can build self-confidence and nurture many dreams.  

Story By: Junior .Net Developer

Coming from the heart of the Tiskari Jungle, in Valsad, I am here to narrate my journey of surpassing the limitations of my humble background to achieve something extraordinary. Overcoming the challenges of a remote place, I had a deep ambition to work at a place where I would be valued and nurtured in the right way.

Completing my master's in computer applications made my parents immensely proud. But the path to success was still full of challenges. It was only after a series of rejections at various companies that I was able to crack the HR round at Akkomplish. At that point, I had almost given up hope that any company could judge a candidate beyond their background and language barriers.

My life took a pivotal turn when I joined Akkomplish, a place that valued attitude, determination, and the hunger for learning. Starting as a .Net trainee, I soon got confirmed as a junior .Net Developer and became a member of this amazing family.

At Akkomplish, I found mentors who not only contributed to my existing knowledge but also introduced me to new concepts like APIs and MVC. Moreover, I learned the invaluable lessons of time management and self-discipline, through constant guidance, which contributed significantly to my personal development.

Being part of the Akkomplish family has evoked a desire to give back to society. My dream is to ensure that the children in my village would have access to education without the struggles I endured.

Also, with the experience I gain here, someday I dream of developing a shopping app to ease the daily life in my village. I am aware that it will be an arduous journey, but with the newly gained confidence and knowledge at Akkomplish, I am confident in reaching this goal someday.

Given the right platform and environment provided here at Akkomplish, I have developed a commitment to learning and cultivated the right attitude toward life and work that helps to attain success.

Moral: If you break the bias of age-old judgments for someone, they will thrive unimaginably.

Story By: Junior .Net Developer  

When I first stepped into Akkomplish as a trainee, I had a burning question in my mind: How would this experience shape me? Little did I understand after having experience of interview with management that this journey would become the most unique and transformative chapter of my life.  


At Akkomplish, we are not merely evaluated based on qualifications; we are measured by our attitude and values that we follow toward life, our thirst for knowledge, and our hunger for personal and professional growth. Here, asking questions is not just encouraged; it is celebrated. This environment at Akkomplish provides scope for self-discovery and remarkable transformation.  


My time at Akkomplish has been extraordinary, and I've learned invaluable life lessons like having a right and respective tone of speech works wonders, I discovered the true worth of time, the significance of self-presentation, the power of professional communication, the art of unwavering focus, and so much more. Reflecting on the person I was before I joined this organization and the person I have become after embracing its discipline and work ethic, I am astounded by the profound transformation I've undergone.  


While the technical training has honed my skills as a Junior .Net Developer, the real magic lies in the personal growth that I have experienced. Special occasions, whether it's celebrating Women's Day, Christmas, or welcoming Team Mexico to our India office, have all played a unique role in shaping my confidence and professionalism.  


Among the most cherished moments of my journey at Akkomplish were the days when I received confirmation to officially join Team Akkomplish and the unforgettable company anniversary celebration trip that marked my maiden flight experience as well. After nearly a year as a part of this remarkable family, I feel highly valued as a teammate. This sense of belonging propels me to remain laser-focused on my goals and contribute my very best to the company's growth.  


The work culture at Akkomplish instills a deep sense of responsibility towards both work and society. Here, our solutions are people-centric, not just business-centric. The company has not only given me a vision to nurture my dreams but has also provided me with the tools and the path to turn those dreams into reality. The nurturing culture of Akkomplish helps us in bringing out our positivity and to be the best version of ourselves.   


I have come to understand a powerful moral during my time at Akkomplish: This is not just a job; it is a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and I am glad to be a part of this organization at this initial stage of my career.  


Moral: Where Curiosity is fostered, Growth follows naturally.

Story By: Junior Business Central Technical 

I am a recent graduate in B.E.I.T. from Ahmedabad Institute of Technology, and I am thrilled to share my journey from being a student to becoming a Jr. Business Central Technical here at Akkomplish. You are familiar with my hiring story and how I joined Akkomplish as a Business Central Trainee.   


Now I would like to take that story ahead and share my experience of how dreams are realized if they are persuaded. In the last few months at Akkomplish, I have learned and unlearned many behavioral traits and developed my personality through comprehensive training, acceptance of errors, and much more.   


I am a dreamer with aspirations that needed hard work and guidance in the right direction which I got here at Akkomplish.   


There were times, a different approach was needed towards many things, and I was guided in the right direction every time I faltered by my seniors and our HR Madam.    


There was an instance when I scored very low on a written test which made me question my career choice. I had a thought for a second to change my field entirely. I felt the need to discuss this with my senior and director once.  Without hesitation I poured out my thoughts to them.   


At that time my seniors and our technical director explained to me in a very positive way that all I needed was focus and hard work to achieve my dream. They were ready to explain the same solutions time and again till I got them right.   


That incident became a turning point for me as I developed a very positive attitude towards work and life after that. Apart from learning positive work ethics, one another conversation left a lasting impression on me. Our other director once explained to me how being humble could solve a lot of problems in life. He guided me to do this by practicing discretion in behaviour and speech.


I am glad that I did not give up on my dream of pursuing a technical career. I could do that because of the support I received here at each step. Be it sanctioning leaves for exams, caring for my health when I was unwell, solving my doubts, or guiding me to improve my communication skills, I have seen a holistic development in myself personally and professionally during these past months.   


Today I have a confirmation letter in my hand which is proof that I have managed to step on the first rung of the corporate ladder I imagined for myself. From here there is no looking back for me and I want to prove that, right here, with Akkomplish. 


Moral: Everyone blooms when nurtured effectively   

Story By: Software Test Engineer

I am a person rooted in rural traditions and my story at Akkomplish is about finding my dream job while staying connected with my original identity. I come from a small village near Viramgam in Gujarat, and I joined Akkomplish as a Software Test Engineer. In just a few months, I built strong relationships with my colleagues and employers, creating a workplace that felt like a perfect fit.

What makes my story truly unique is the duality of my life. On weekdays, I'm a Software Test Engineer, commuting from the interiors of the state to the most urbanized part of Gujarat’s Best city, Ahmedabad by train and bike. On weekends, I am a dedicated farmer, tending to my fields and crops back home. These two worlds may seem vastly different, but at Akkomplish, I found a place where they could seamlessly coexist.

The inclusive culture at Akkomplish has been a heartwarming experience from day one. Respect and empathy are the norm, transcending department boundaries. A memorable instance for me was when I wished our director happy birthday in my native style, which touched him deeply, evoking memories of his own childhood and native place.

Another unforgettable moment was our company's annual trip to Goa, where I boarded a flight for the first time and had amazing new experiences in those couple of days. It symbolizes my journey – bridging the gap between my heritage and my dream job.

At Akkomplish, I've not only experienced professional growth but also found a welcoming family that cherishes both my backgrounds and is interested in my personal growth at the same time. A perfect example of this is the language training provided by the HR team here which has helped build my English language confidence to a great level.

I dreamt of a perfect work-life balance which I attained here. Looking forward to many more life-changing experiences here at AKkomplish.

Moral :  No matter where you come from, you can always achieve what you work for. 

Story By: Web Developer

As an experienced professional, I have worked at various corporates over the past 12 years. I have interacted with managers, team leaders, and other senior team members innumerably.

But there is a unique conversation that I wish to share today. One that left me emotional and grateful for working in a place where business owners care for their employees, and it reflects in their actions!

Recently I was helping my spouse recover from an accident surgery. On request, I got WFH immediately, as I was the only caregiver at home. After things stabilized in a couple of weeks, I returned to work from the office.

On the very next day that I resumed work, one of our directors approached me to ask about the well-being of my family members. I was pleasantly surprised when he asked, “Why are you here when you should be home prioritizing your family?”

I was speechless at this, as I had never expected such a question from my employer. Not only did it show that they cared about me as an employee, but also about the well-being of my family. That moment gave me a feeling of being blessed by an elder, which was incredible and unique at the same time.

The values that I have seen at Akkomplish are exemplary. This incident further inspired me to give my best and work harder as I feel an integral part of the Akkomplish family. Though work is a priority, people are always more precious here. And this is an exclusive aspect of working at Akkomplish.

Moral of the story: When employees feel valued, they add more value.

Story By: Motion Graphics Designer

As a motion graphic designer, I have a unique story to share. Having joined Akkomplish recently, I have learned and grown immensely.

My profile was challenging initially, as I was used to working on a screen-ready format. But here, I was expected to conceptualize the graphics as well! Initially, this intimidated me. I did not feel comfortable with my daily tasks. During this period, I received a lot of encouragement from my team members and managers. They slowly nudged me to stretch my limits.

Gradually, I broadened my imagination and realized that my mental blocks related to creating static posts started melting away. This journey of professional evolution was not easy for me as I faced constant doubts and had to work harder than expected.

When I look back at the time I joined, I realize that not only have I grown professionally, but I am more confident personally as well. I face challenges without fear of failure now, and it makes my life in this city easier and happier.

Moral : Push Your Boundaries for Yourself

Story By: Web Developer

As a web developer, I answer many client queries in a day. I actually enjoy resolving any issues related to website development as I enjoy my work as a web developer.

It was therefore not surprising that one of my acquaintances gave me a call one day to get my views on the problem related to “Google merchant” which they were facing at work with their client.

I was busy with one of my project deliveries, but sensing the urgency in his voice, I decided to spend five minutes to clear his doubts. He asked several questions, and after almost forty-five minutes, he was satisfied, and all his doubts were cleared.

He said that he could now make a good impression on his client with this knowledge. He thanked me for the help and hung up. I got busy with my tasks as I had a deadline to meet and forgot about the incident.

From that day on, he became the biggest advocate of Akkomplish and all its employees as he realized we put people first when it came to going out of the way to help put.

Moral: Time invested in helping is time rightly invested

Story By: Team

This is a narrative about a girl pursuing her last semester of B.E.I.T. She worked a part-time job in an HR role along with her studies to pay her fees and sustain herself independently. However, she was passionate about a technical profile for Business Central as her studies progressed. She showed this interest several times at her workplace. But due to various reasons, she could not move ahead with this wish of hers for a long time.

Eventually, someone from her company suggested that she should approach us at Akkomplish as we have experience in the Business Central life cycle since 2015 and offer internships to all deserving candidates.

In her very first meeting, she requested the panel not to judge her from her previous work experience. We interviewed her for a technical trainee role, for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Her pure intentions and grit for this field won her the opportunity she deserved with us.

Post-interview, she was pleasantly surprised to realize that Akkomplish had a very unique interview pattern and a non-judgmental hiring process.

Today, she has not only joined us but is one of the most enthusiastic learners in her batch. Akkomplish believes in taking a non-judgmental approach and a different perspective towards any given scenario and provides a nurturing learning atmosphere for all.   

Moral: Being open-minded reveals unique talents.  

Story By: Content Writer

Writing content for web pages is something I enjoy even more than writing blogs. Writing web pages means bringing an industry-specific focus and understanding to a writer’s work. While working for one such client, a seasoned naturopath in vegan diet techniques, we realized that she had limited digital knowledge.

She could narrate her basic requirements and we did our best to implement them on her website. Throughout the process we as a team supported her and provided changes to the contents and images as per her requirements. By the end of the project, she was contented with the outputs and thanked us for the extra efforts and support in making her understand the technicalities of using each feature and payment option that we provided on the site. It took us a few extra calls and a little patience to give her the best client experience and value.

Moral: Support Consistently

Story By: Founder/Director

Opportunities knock at your door in the weirdest of ways. You need to identify and grab them at the right time. One such instance occurred recently when I was driving from work to home. I received a call wherein someone had Googled my name and found some manufacturing services registered there.

They had called to ask if I was working in the sector. I politely explained that this was a case of mistaken identity and that I was in the IT sector. Assuming that the caller would hang up with this information, I was about to cut the call, when he asked what exactly I did.

Amused by his query, I went on to explain that we mainly dealt with ERP implementations for MSMEs. He got interested and asked a few more questions. I replied to all of them in a satisfactory manner. By the end of the call, the man who was in an influential position in his niche assured me that he would definitely get back to me if they had any such requirements in the future.

Moral: Opportunities come in disguise. Grab them.

Story By: Founder/Director

On a bright and shiny day somewhere in Mexico I was sitting in a café waiting for my coffee. I love observing people around me whenever I am alone and to myself. While wandering my gaze through the crowd, I caught a glimpse of a hefty man sitting next to my table. He was struggling with a cord to connect with the socket at the bottom. I noticed he was not able to bend down to reach the plug. I instantaneously helped him with it. He smiled and thanked me for the kind gesture. We started talking and got to know each other a bit. He was excited to meet an Indian who was also into IT and knew a lot about the local culture.

We exchanged numbers and departed on a friendly note. A few months after that incident, I received a call from the same person asking if I would like to collaborate on a venture he had on hand. We discussed it briefly and the project started within a short time. My simple act of kindness touched that person and made him connect with me through trust.

Moral: Help unintentionally


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