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Carta Porte by AkkOn

AkkOn for Business Central already generates a XML of Carta Porte when the user post a Transfer Shipment or Sales Shipment from Transfer Order or Sales Order. Last September, the SAT announced the version 3.1 to generate the CFDI Carta Porte with complement, identified by AkkOn as CCP. This new version will be mandatory from January 1st, 2024.

More about Carta Porte
About AkkOn

AkkOn offers a fully integrated user experience and covers the most comprehensive set of features, including

Electronic Invoice – Comprobante Fiscal Digital

Payment receipt compliment - Complemento para recepción de pagos

Payroll CFDI – Recibo de nómina

Foreign Trade compliment – Complemento de Comercio Exterior

Electronic Accounting- Contabilidad electrónica CFDI 3.3

AkkOn offers standard VAT (IVA), Retention, and local taxes – impuestos locale – functionality along with customizable tax grouping and tax calculation, including the tax-on-tax functionality.

We also offer a wide range of addendas for some of the large organizations across LATAM, which is required to be included in your electronic invoice as addenda or as a compliment.

For Business central, we offer one-click installation via extension with the option to fully customize your document format and automatically send them over email.

For Microsoft Dynamics NAV, we offer installation support of our solution by merging our code base with your Navision solution and installing required services on your infrastructure.

CFDI Document generation

PAC integration for failsafe stamping

Automatic email to customer/vendor

Automatic update of XML and PDF along with UUID in ERP

Wide range of Addenda

Automatic Vendor invoice reception and validation over email with confirmation or rejection

Why AkkOn

AkkOn offers a fully integrated user experience and covers the most comprehensive set of features, including

AkkOn Vendor Portal

Provide your vendor with an accurate status update about their order, payments, and invoice with a unified web interface. Our solution integrates with your Microsoft ERP solution and allows your vendors to upload invoices, view and report updates on their orders, and review the payment status of their invoices.

AkkOn Colombia

It is the most comprehensive solution for Medio Magnético compliance and a complete solution for taxation and compliance reports, along with an electronic invoicing solution.

AkkOn Invoice Portal

If you require a bulk of invoices to be stamped & you do not have an ERP solution, we offer you an easy-to-use invoice portal. Upload invoice information in excel and get the XML and pdf creating with reliable AkkOn engine using a simple to use and secure website.

AkkOn Payroll

Most comprehensive payroll integration. Our unique offering includes employee self-service, leave management, expense request and approval, automatic import of payroll data in Business Central, and generating journal entries.


Configuraciones de AkkOn

Entender las configuraciones que deben realizarse en la aplicación de AkkOn para su uso en Facturación electrónica.

Campos de la pestaña ‘General’

Correo electrónico CFDI Cliente

Código País de México

Versión CFDI

Régimen Fiscal

Lista Negra SAT

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