
If you are using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 or an earlier version, you must read this blog!

According to the latest update, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 or an earlier version user will witness the end of the support cycle from Microsoft.

As of 10 January 2023, all versions of Dynamics NAV (earlier known as Navision) will no longer have the privilege of Mainstream Support anymore.

Dynamics NAV 2013 and 2013 R2 will also be out of Extended Support. In this article, we want to share what it means for you as a user and your options if you still wish to continue using NAV.

Usually, ERP systems have a lifespan of five to ten years, after which it is advisable to upgrade the system. That should not stop it from running smoothly or benefiting your business in any way. But you may miss out on any new functionality and receive lesser security updates after this point.

Dynamics NAV is soon reaching this stage, giving you a good reason to upgrade to the latest Dynamics 365 Business Central.

NAV Support Lifecycle

Microsoft’s lifecycle policy for NAV has been simple. It supports each version for a decade. The first five years being mainstream support, and the later five with extended support.

During mainstream support the product receives new features, security updates, and non-security updates. During extended support, you can expect security updates only.

As seen in the table below, on 10 January 2023, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 will be the last version of NAV to go out of Mainstream Support and into Extended Support.

NAV support lifecycle

Rely on a proactive NAV Support Partner

When you are using a heavily customized NAV, changing or upgrading it to Mainstream Support would be a tough task. In such a scenario getting a reliable and proactive NAV Support Partner, such as Akkomplish Consulting, to work for you to extend the life of your NAV product is the best option.

We suggest keeping the following points in mind if you continue using your current version of NAV:

To continue using legacy ERP means it will be substantially challenging to integrate with the latest technologies like external 3rd party solutions. It also makes it difficult for businesses to benefit from Power Automate, Teams, and Power Apps.

As the ERP solution moves out of Mainstream Support, there is always a risk that it no longer conforms to current financial regulations. Auditors may scrutinize how you manage your business with unsupported software. It may also happen that your hardware may not be able to support your dated NAV software.

The older the ERP, the more chances of it crashing and leading to unexpected downtime. Your productivity and profitability can be at constant risk due to this.

Upgrade your ERP to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

The most obvious option for Dynamics NAV users is to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Business Central being the upgraded version of Dynamics NAV, is one of the latest ERP options from Microsoft. It is an agile cloud-based business management software to transform your entire business process.

Upgrading to Business Central means getting access to seamless integration with the Microsoft stack. Selecting a cloud-based software means you can access it at any time from anywhere with a web client.

With embedded insights, AI, and a brand-new user experience, the benefits of moving to a new system are immense. Get new levels of access, automation, intelligence, and integration.

With Dynamics 365 Business Central’s monthly subscription option, you can add or remove users as needed while using the NCE payment model.

Business Central’s extensive functionality grows with you as your business grows. Being governed by Microsoft’s Modern Lifecycle Policy means that there will be continuous service updates, plus other major updates to the product on a half-yearly basis.

Find Out More

Know more about how Business central has changed the ERP world or contact us today for a free discovery call on how we can help you sustain your Dynamics NAV or upgrade to MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.


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