
Civil security is a crucial aspect of governance since all governments strive to ensure that their citizens are safe by reducing crime rates in society.

Crimes like theft, robbery, murder, trafficking, rape, and kidnapping are generally more dangerous as they cause an imbalance in civic harmony.

Since it is a digital era, the law enforcement sector can also use Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning to detect crimes and resolve criminal cases steadfastly. As AI algorithms help identify and locate both existing and potential criminals effectively.

Many countries like the USA [1], China, and the UK [2] are already using Artificial Intelligence in Civil Security and Surveillance. However, forecasts predict that AI will contribute over 15.7 trillion USD to the global economy and over 320 billion USD to the Middle East alone [3].

Also, according to the International Telecommunication Union, 51.6% of Middle Eastern people are using the internet in 2019 [4] compared to just 29% in 2009 [5].

Hence middle eastern law enforcement agencies can get an immense benefit from utilizing advanced technologies using the internet.

Moreover, most cities in the UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are getting smart, where the infrastructure is more connected than ever before.

So, with the connected infrastructure, police officers can detect crime in real-time through smart security cameras and street lights.

Considering these impressive stats, in this blog, we will discuss how Artificial Intelligence can help middle eastern governments ensure civil security by reducing crime rates and delivering faster criminal justice.

Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Law Enforcement and Civil Security

Predictive Analytics

Artificial Intelligence can be beneficial in predicting a crime through predictive data analytics. Pre-crime or predictive policing helps identify and arrest potential criminals before time through AI tools like Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).

It also helps authorities identify speculative crime patterns, crime-prone areas, unusual activities, and more, which would otherwise not be possible by humans. Based on such forecasts, the police authorities can prevent crime by managing the resources well.

CrimeScan is one such Artificial Intelligence software for predictive policing to spot criminal behavior patterns.

PredPol is also an AI program by UCLA coordinating with the LA police department that is twice more accurate as humans in predictive analysis.

Moreover, before Tokyo Olympics, the Japanese police also launched AI-enabled predictive policing through the deep machine learning algorithm, which could efficiently predict the behavior of criminals.

AI-powered Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is the most popular and effective AI tool used in Civil Surveillance and Security.

AI-based facial recognition tools capture real-time data in the form of both images and videos to identify and analyze existing/potential criminals.

These tools capture all the events to spot and filter any malicious activities in real-time using AI-powered cameras used in public surveillance.

Intricate facial recognition through Artificial Intelligence helps police officers to spot the criminals present in crowded areas because the database of such AI tools comprises high-resolution images of a person taken in different environments, various facial expressions, and varied angles.

This comprehensive data helps create a precise AI/ML algorithm to identify any person anywhere, even if the person is wearing a mask or a scarf, by marking their facial points.

Since most crimes are performed repeatedly by habitual criminals, facial recognition through Artificial Intelligence can help prevent such crimes by aiding authorities in arresting the criminals faster and more efficiently.

Trinetra is one such app in India that helps authorities prevent street crimes like Chain Snatching and robbery through AI-powered facial recognition tools.

Many airports across the globe are using AI-based facial recognition at their airports to ensure border security by identifying the person's identity by matching the passport photo of a person in their database.

AI-powered Audio Recognition

Audio transcription is another useful Artificial Intelligence tool that helps authorities identify criminals through their voices. AI/ML systems can also print those audio recordings.

The AI-powered Sonic Surveillance Cameras in the city can help authorities detect threatening & harmful voices. Through advanced Machine Learning algorithms, this detected voice can further be recognized from the database and alerted to the authorities via notification, so they can catch the person and prevent the crime from happening.

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Most people nowadays use smartphones with in-built GPS, which helps build GIS maps for the law enforcement authorities to track signals and the location of the suspects/criminals.

A Geographic Information System can help map the data into an interactive system where authorities can view and manage specific information during emergencies.

GIS and other geospatial tools can also help authorities manage road safety by identifying danger-prone roads and conducting road safeguarding projects there in advance.

For example, the CrimeRadar App in Brazil is an AI-based crime prediction platform that can map the frequency of crime in the metropolitan region across locations and times. It can also represent the safety map of any place.

Gunfireshot Detection System (GDS)

Gunfireshot Detection System is an application of AI-powered audio recognition through sensors. When the sensors detect gunshot sounds anywhere in the city, the machine learning algorithms immediately identify the pinpoint location of the place where it was detected.

ShotSpotter is one such AI-powered gunshot detection tool, which is currently in use in more than 90 cities in the USA.

Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs)

Automated License Plate Readers are high-speed cameras mounted on traffic signals and street lights to identify the vehicles on the roads.

ALPRs are computer-controlled systems that automatically read the number plates of each vehicle passing by, click the picture of the vehicle with the driver, and record it with the date, time, and place.

ALPRs can be very useful in recognizing and resolving street crimes like vehicle theft, kidnapping, traffic rules breaking, robbery, and sometimes dangerous crimes like murder, trafficking, and rape.

In A Nutshell

With the technology getting advanced, criminal intellect is also increasing. To keep up with that, the law enforcement agencies must also get equipped with the high-end technologies to protect civilians.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can help authorities reduce crime rates and ensure civil security through path-breaking solutions, which are effective in pre-crime and post-crime scenarios by conducting speedy crime analysis.

Since the middle eastern countries are racing to lead the powers of becoming a knowledge-based digital economy, artificial intelligence and machine learning can be very useful in various sectors, including civil security.

To conclude, we must say that Artificial Intelligence is the future of living, and security is an integral part of living!


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